What happened to this show? I believe I saw the first episode where they were working on a Triumph?????????? and were worried about paying power bill. I thought the show could have been alright, but I do not know if it is still on.
There was maybe three episodes then nothing.. Sad part... I wasn't great but I would rate it the best of what new programming. Better than the Porter Ridge or Jungle gold
Shenanigans!!!!!!!!! Cable should be a la carte. They should give one a complete list and then you could check the stations that you want. Each station would be a certain price, so one could get all the channels they wanted without all of the bad ones.
I agree with you ElG regarding a la carte. Why should we have to pay for programs that we don't watch just because they are bundled. For instance did you know that Al Gore sold his network to Al Jazeera and they are now have a news network. These people are not our friends but there are many people in this country that don't know who is our enemy and who is not. You need to pay attention to what is going on in order to know if you are being lied to or not. And everyone who has that station on their service is paying for this network.
You know it might be worth it for these programs to start up on the Internet and perhaps they can attract people to support them. Some outlets have a monthly fee and do well if they can attract a large enough viewer base. And they are only answerable to themselves. If they fail, they fail but again they might win; they might really be on to something especially if several programs decided to join together.
I don't know but if we want to continue this thread about Cable channels this needs to goto A new thread of category for discussion about politics instead of mucking the Philly throttle chat thread up... Anyone Agree???