I think the Problem with Jesse watching the motorcycle mania series. They are great shows, an I think that what Him an Dsc need to have instead of him trying to do a series shows, is more of a mini documentary. Because him spouting his god-llike greatness in doses. I don't know why it is, it's sorta like they way his relationships go... I can't put my finger on it. But its just my perception..
Hell wid it, just give Kendall Johnson his own show and be done with it. The man is a consummate gentleman and a genius chopper designer, and presumably has never sued or set fire to his children.
I mostly agree bring back Biker build off. Show some talent that isn't so much a diva to the camera, an such as the producers would say a "Handefull" to negotiate with. I really do enjoy seeing a variety of designs of chopper styles.