his fans are the people driving around watching videos on their cell phones, pause it, start it again, its better than cable, or at least closer to the DVR movement when you can watch when you want. This is the smartest move right now. I know it will be big money to get another tv deal, but doing this makes it sound real. He was so made for Tv it was exhausting.
I dont know if his production company still exists or not, but follow the WWE network, get people to pay a fee per month to join your website and watch episodes. Do it for free, figure out its something people will pay for then charge for it.
Welcome to the American Chopper and Politics forum, where you dont have the right to your opinion, but you have the right to be wrong.
Least the Junior fans that are close to me are waiting for the next continued episode. Only negative was not enough time on the build, an too much on the flash back.